My Services

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Coaching Focus Areas

"Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create."
- Oprah Winfrey

A constant in life is change; what we are often unprepared for is the transition phase that precedes and generally remains as a result of change.  

Transitions: Understanding and Working Through the Effects of Change

You may have either decided you are ready to make a change, or change has been thrust upon you.  

My specialty is helping clients work through the critical stages of transition - the personal side of change - allowing successful adjustment from what ever was - to what is or will become.

Mindfulness: The Art & Science of Being Present

Explore & experience:

* what is mindfulness, and why does it matter?

* stress reduction with simple and relatable tools that work hand-in-hand as part of healthy adjustment to life transitions

* self-compassion and gratitude models