About Victoria Cravens

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Who I Am

I have a passion for servant leadership. My background includes over ten years in the professional counseling realm, following over twenty years with a major energy firm working  primarily within the finance groups. Family and community involvement has been and remains an important piece of my life.  

At some point, I believe we all have the capacity to recognize that every stage of life - good or bad - has lead us to our next chapter in one way or another.   

I am grateful for a strong network of personal and professional friends.  It is in helping others to regain their balance, relish the adventure life can be, and embrace the importance of gratitude, hope, and joy - that I find my own.   

Coaching Credentials

  • Training from the Certified Life Coaching Institute (CLCI)
    • Certified Professional Coach
    • Master Certified Professional Coach
    • Working on full ICF credentialing
  • Work as a licensed professional counselor, licensed chemical dependency counselor
  • Certified as Lay Chaplain
  • Certified in MBCT (Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy)


  • MA Counseling, Houston Graduate School of Theology
  • EMBA, University of Houston

Coaching vs Counseling

A comment we hear often is, ‘well, aren’t they the same?’  The answer is no; the focus and drivers are different.  Counseling is most often dealing with issues from the past that continue to inform choices and otherwise interfere with our ability to maintain a healthy present. 

Coaching is forward-focused, with goals that are totally client driven.  One of the benefits of coaching is having someone we trust able to challenge us with the question, “What would it take to turn your, ‘ I will try…’ into ‘I will do…!’?”

Finding congruence through our choices

One of the most important areas of focus within coaching is recognizing how our choices – big or small – can have tremendous influence on our day to day lives and relationships.  Our focus on relationships has to begin with ourselves. As it has been said,

‘a man cannot offer a drink of water from an empty cup.’

The Process

Step 1: Give your coaching focus

Successful outcomes begin with a clear focus.  

Consider these questions to bring to your Discovery Session: 

  • What is life purpose, and how do we know if we have found it?
  • Where am I now? Where do I want to be?
  • What are my core values? 
  • Are my personal, professional, and family goals congruent?
  • Who would I like to be and who is holding me back?

Step 2: Make a Plan

YOU decide the best approach:

Tools can be as simple as choosing to a Day Planner; or perhaps you work better with a more structured approach, that could include SMART goals.  As you work through your goals, the tools can be flexible. 

YOU also choose the number of sessions, with discount options for multiple session packages  

(see Getting Started!)

"If nothing changes...nothing changes"

My Values


Our client's identity, relationship, and content of sessions are strictly confidential except in a situation where such confidentiality would violate the law, such as harm to self or others, and child or elder abuse.  


Our brains process information in different ways; some of us are very logic-oriented, while others more free-thinking. We are most successful when we tap into these strengths with an open mind; with curiosity without judgement. 


Life can create changes - good or bad - overnight, and emotions can overflow; consideration, kindness and compassion are the bulwark of any healthy relationship, and most especially in a coaching relationship.


We come together from all walks of life and many different experiences.  We are always at our very best when we engage each other with respect, consideration, and acceptance; with an open mind and heart.