Intentional Living with Mindfulness Tools

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Would you like to be more present and plugged-in to the important people in your life and in the world around you?  Are you tired of letting outside distractions and influences be more in control of your life and decisions than you are?  Are you ready for a change?  You can. 

What is mindfulness anyway? 

"The awareness that emerges through paying attention, in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally, to the unfolding of experience moment to moment."                             John Kabat-Zinn

The concept is easy; however, implementing it takes work and effort on your part.  It is not magic - it is learning how to maintain where your mental and emotional focus is, even when things feel out of control.

"You can't control the waves, but you can learn to surf." 

While we cannot make the stressful situations disappear, working with a mindfulness-based health and wellness coach can help you develop the tools to experience a better quality of life. 

My specialty is working with individuals to develop the skills necessary to successfully navigate the transition stages of life; feel more present; and empowered to make the best of their lives. 

The discipline of mindfulness starts with our most basic need...breath! But that is just the beginning. True success comes from the ability to fully appreciate all of the micro-moments that give our lives meaning.  The process is simple; the challenge is to accept where we are in this moment, and be willing to take the steps to move towards what and where we want to be. 

The view truly can be worth the climb! 

"Breathing needs to be about more than just keeping you alive."